Use these words to assess every emails validity: “WHO” and “WHAT” WHOWho sent this email, do you know them, if it is a familiar person is the email address different, the "fake sender" could have malicious intent. WHATWhat are they asking/telling you. “Here is an interesting video”, “you have a package to be delivered and we missed you” CLICK HERE TO ACCESS. Take a moment to assess what this email is in your inbox. Don’t just click an ANY link. Many times you can "hover" over the link and it displays the site it will take you to. Look it over carefully! Your Computer or DeviceKeep your equipment’s operating software updated. Most equipment have auto-update processes. If your computer or equipment has been in service for many years, it may need to be replaced. Anti-virus (AV)Keep this updated, Most AV software self-updates but your license may require you to renew from time to time. Software and AppsKeep these updated. From time to time vulnerabilities are found and a patch needs to be installed. Delete software or apps you do not use. BackupBackup your computer or device. Do this frequently and keep the backup information in a safe area. Talk to a technology specialist and be sure you understand how to use it. The “Cloud”Basically, these are giant storage facilities somewhere on the internet. If there is the option to store information "in the cloud", be sure you are aware what is going to be stored there. WiFi at HomeSecure the system with a complex password (keep it secured). The longer the better. If there is an option of a “guest” password, know how to change it and do so often. Public WiFiAvoid using this as much as possible. You are sending data through a network that belongs to someone else. |